Friday, July 16, 2010


 Thanks to District 6460, you are now able to access your club directory information from the District 6460 website. There is a button on the home page that will take you to the database site. To log on the site, you will need your member number, which may be found on the mailing label of your copy of The Rotarian magazine. The number is located immediately above your name. You should omit the leading zero. The resulting number is a seven digit number which is your password. Your email address will serve as your login ID. You will also need to know your club number which is located in the district directory.   You could also enter the following link, http:// This will give you access to the page where you may enter your login, password, and club number. Be sure to click the Remember Me box. When you are logged in, you will have the option of setting the password to your choice.   Once you have entered your login info, you should see a page with several yellow taps across the top. When you click on the My Club tab, you will see a header for your club which lists the club officers. If you scroll down this page, you will see a list of the club members. Scroll down until you locate your name and click the word View to look at your info, or you may click on Edit to correct or change information. After you have completed any changes, you will need to click on the Update tab in the upper right corner of the page to verify the changes you made.   You may design reports by clicking the yellow Reports tab on the opening page. There are several options from which to chose. !    Once everyone gets his/her info updated, one of the most important and useful things that you will be able to do, is to automatically email everyone in the club simply by clicking the Bulk Email button located above and to the right of the list of member names.  This new Black Book will take some time to get used, but we believe that, with a little help, everyone should be able to keep his/her information up to date and make use of member information.    By the way, a Black Book is your club directory...not that little book you carried when you were young.

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