Thursday, February 18, 2010


It is truly amazing to consider the role that scents play in our ability to recall the past. One whiff of a certain smell can transport us right back to our childhood as if it were yesterday.For this particular list, we’ve limited our selections to school-related scents and we present the top five contenders.
5) Crayons – Whether it was the wax, or the paper the crayons were wrapped in, or a combination of the two, we’re not really sure – all we know is that a freshly opened crayon box smells divine.
4) Cafeterias – Love it or hate it, there is no denying that a school lunch room has a unique smell that lingers in the memory long after graduation. That strange mix of school-bought lunch trays and homemade tuna sandwiches combined to create something quite memorable, if not always lovable.
3) Glue/Paste – Whether it was simple paste, Elmers Glue, or everyone’s favorite booger-producing rubber cement, if two things needed to be affixed, it was almost a sure bet that some wonderful smells would accompany the process.
2) Ditto Paper – Kids today haven’t learned to love the smell of freshly mimeographed ditto paper in the morning, and it is their loss. This was a close contender for the number one spot. All hail the scent of printing chemicals!
1) Magic Markers – All those vivid colors, all those fruity flavors – we whiffed with reckless abandon and knocked many a magic marker out of commission prematurely as they tended to dry out quickly, leaving us with unfinished artwork, and a child-sized monkey on our back.

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