Thursday, May 02, 2013



1670The Hudson Bay Company is founded.
1598Henry IV signs Treaty of Vervins, ending Spain's interference in France.
1668Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle ends the War of Devolution in France.
1776France and Spain agree to donate arms to American rebels fighting the British.
1797A mutiny in the British navy spreads from Spithead to the rest of the fleet.
1798The black General Toussaint L'ouverture forces British troops to agree to evacuate the port of Santo Domingo.
1808The citizens of Madrid rise up against Napoleon.
1813Napoleon defeats a Russian and Prussian army at Grossgorschen.
1863Stonewall Jackson smashes Hooker's flank at Chancellorsville, Virginia.
1865President Andrew Johnson offers a $100,000 reward for the capture of Confederate President
1885King Leopold II of Belgium establishes the Congo Free State.
1890The Territory of Oklahoma is created.
1919The first U.S. air passenger service starts.
1923Lieutenants Okaley Kelly and John Macready take off from New York for the West Coast on what will become the first successful nonstop transcontinental flight.
1941Hostilities break out between British forces in Iraq and that country's pro-German faction.
1942Admiral Chester J. Nimitz, convinced that the Japanese will attack Midway Island, visits the island to review its readiness.
1945Russian forces take Berlin after 12 days of fierce house-to-house fighting.
1946Prisoners revolt at California's Alcatraz prison.
1968The U.S. Army attacks Nhi Ha in South Vietnam and begins a fourteen-day battle to wrestle it away from Vietnamese Communists.
1970Student anti-war protesters at Ohio's Kent State University burn down the campus ROTC building. The National Guard takes control of campus.

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