Saturday, July 30, 2011


 JULY 30
1619:The House of Burgesses meets for the first time in Jamestown, Va., becoming the first elected legislative assembly in America. The assembly’s 22 representatives decide to prohibit drunkenness, idleness and gambling, and require tobacco to be sold for three shillings per pound.

1965: President Lyndon Johnson signs the Medicare and Medicaid programs into law, providing health coverage to older and low-income Americans, respectively. Former President Harry S. Truman is enrolled as Medicare’s first beneficiary.

1968: Washington Senators shortstop Ron Hansen singlehandedly makes three putouts, claiming the first unassisted triple play in Major League Baseball in 41 years.  Hansen’s quick reflexes in the field are not enough to help the Senators at bat, and they lose the game 10-1 to the Cleveland Indians. No other MLB player will score a triple play until Mickey Morandini of the Philadelphia Phillies in 1992.
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