Monday, December 27, 2010


The image above is not of a squash.

The yellow fruit (actually, an "accessory fruit") is called a marañón, and unless you're already familiar with the picture, you've probably never eaten it.  It's edible (even though urban legend has it as poisonous).  It tastes and smells sweet and is very juicy, but the skin is thin and fragile, making it unsuitable for transport or importation.  And while the fruit's name is Spanish, the picture above comes from India. The food is very common.

So common, in fact, that while you've likely never eaten a marañón, you probably have eaten what's inside the green part.  The green section is the casing of a seed which we typically think of, incorrectly (in the botanical sense) as a nut.

Yep:  That's what a cashew looks like.

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