Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Share your iTunes library on your network

Chances are, there are multiple computers in your home. You and your spouse probably each have one. Then your kids might share a computer. Or maybe they each have their own.
If you're all iTunes users, you already know how challenging it can be to share music. There's a long list of steps to get it set up.
MediaRover changes all of that. It's a free program that ensures your household's media is accessible from any machine.
Just install the programs on the computers you want to share with. Then it starts linking all of your libraries. Everything from songs to playlists to metadata is synced.
MediaRover also makes it easy to stream content to set-top boxes and game consoles. Have an Xbox 360 or a Boxee Box? Awesome! MediaRover can share your iTunes library with them as well.
Cost: Free
Systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Mac OSX
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