Monday, January 06, 2014


January 6
1066 Harold Godwineson is crowned crowned King Harold II – King of England.
1540 Henry VIII of England marries his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves. The marriage will last six months.
1861 The Governor of Maryland, Thomas Hicks, announces his opposition to the states's possible secession from the Union.
1904 Japanese railway authorities in Korea refuse to transport Russian troops.
1910 Union leaders ask President William H. Taft to investigate U.S. Steel's practices.
1912 New Mexico becomes the 47th U.S. state of the Union.
1918 Germany acknowledges Finland's independence.
1919 Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States, dies at the age of 60 in his home at Sagamore Hill, New York.
1921 The U.S. Navy orders the sale of 125 flying boats to encourage commercial aviation.
1937 The United States bans the shipment of arms to war-torn Spain.
1941 President Franklin D. Roosevelt asks Congress to support the Lend-lease Bill to help supply the Allies.
1945 Boeing B-29 bombers in the Pacific strike new blows on Tokyo and Nanking.
1946 Ho Chi Minh wins in the Vietnamese elections.
1958 Moscow announces a reduction in its armed forces by 300,000.
1967 Over 16,000 U.S. and 14,000 Vietnamese troops start their biggest attack on the Iron Triangle, northwest of Saigon.
1987 Astronomers report sighting a new galaxy 12 billion light years away.
2001 In one of the closest Presidential elections in U.S. history, George W. Bush was finally declared the winner of the bitterly contested 2000 Presidential elections more then five weeks after the election due to the disputed Florida ballots.
2005 Former Ku Klux Klan organizer Edgar Ray Killen arrested as a suspect in the 1964 murders of three civil rights workers in Mississippi.
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