Friday, November 02, 2012


Truman was so widely expected to lose the 1948...


1948:President Harry S. Truman appears to have lost the presidential election to Republican challenger Thomas Dewey, or so the Chicago Tribune prints in the following morning's newspapers. In fact, Truman won the historic upset by 2 million popular votes, and would be photographed good-naturedly holding up a paper with the alternative-history headline "Dewey Defeats Truman."

1917: British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour pens a letter to Baron Rothschild that would become known as the controversial Balfour Declaration. Balfour promises Rothschild, a leader of the Jewish community in Britain and a proponent of Zionism, a homeland for the Jewish people in the part of the Ottoman Empire known as Palestine, as long as the civil and religious rights of non-Jews in Palestine are also respected.

1983: President Ronald Reagan signs into law the creation of a federal holiday honoring civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. to occur annually on the third Monday in January, close to King's birthday on Jan. 15.

1920:KDKA of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania broadcasts as first commercial radio station.

1889:North and South Dakota are admitted to the U.S. as 39th and 40th state.

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