Friday, September 21, 2012



1981:Sandra Day O'Connor becomes the first woman to be nominated and confirmed as a justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. The U.S. Senate unanimously confirms President Ronald Reagan's nominee, a former state senator and judge from Arizona. O'Connor would sit on the high court for nearly 25 years.

1823: According to Joseph Smith, the angel Moroni first appears to the Mormon leader, directing Smith to the location of the gold plates that he translates as the sacred text of The Book of Mormon.

1961: Argentine swimmer Antonio Abertondo is the first person to succeed in the feat of swimming the English Channel — in both directions. It takes Abertondo 43 hours and 10 minutes to make it from England to France and back.

1981:The small central American country, Belize is given independence from the United Kingdom

1964:The United Kingdom gives Malta, a Southern European country in the middle of the Mediterranean, independence

1780:General Benedict Arnold offers to betray American forces to the British

1922:President Warren G Harding signs a joint resolution to establish a Jewish homeland in Israel.

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