Saturday, July 28, 2012



 1932:Troops led by Gen. Douglas MacArthur and Maj. George S. Patton use tanks and tear gas against the Bonus Expeditionary Force, a group of World War I veterans and their families planning to march to the White House to demand immediate payment of their military bonuses. Members of the "Bonus Army" were demanding the early payment of wartime service certificates due to the poverty of the Great Depression.

1540: King Henry VIII of England marries his fifth wife, Catherine Howard, on the same day that Thomas Cromwell, one of the king's long-standing advisers and chief minister, is executed for treason. Howard herself would be executed two years later for treason on the grounds that she committed adultery.

1978: The college fraternity film classic Animal House, starring John Belushi as John "Bluto" Blutarsky, is released in theaters. It is the first film produced in affiliation with the college magazine National Lampoon, and features such memorable lines as "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."

1896:The community of Miami, Florida was incorporated
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