Thursday, May 10, 2012


MAY 10

 1940:On the same day that Nazi Germany invades Belgium and the Netherlands, Winston Churchill, first lord of the admiralty, becomes the prime minister of Great Britain, after Neville Chamberlain receives a vote of no confidence from the House of Commons.

1865: A month after Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee’s surrender at Appomattox Court House, former Confederate president Jefferson Davis is captured near Irwinville, Ga., by the cavalry of Union Gen. James Wilson.

1872: Newspaper editor, stockbroker and women’s rights advocate Victoria Claflin Woodhull is the first woman nominated to run for president of the United States, at the convention of the Equal Rights Party in New York City.

1869:The First Transcontinental Railroad is completed in Promontory Summit, Utah.

1823:The first steamboat to navigate the Mississippi River arrives at Fort Snelling

1497:Amerigo Vespucci departs from Cadiz, Spain setting sail for the New World.

1969:Apollo 10 transmits the first color pictures of Earth from space.

1910:Halley's Comet closest approach to Earth.
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