Sunday, March 23, 2014


As the first and largest wish-granting organization for adults, the Dream Foundation (dream​foundation​.org) helps people with terminal illnesses to find peace, closure, and joy with the realization of a final wish. Since it began 20 years ago, the Dream Foundation has fulfilled the dreams of thousands of adults who are physically, emotionally, and financially devastated by illness. These wishes could be anything: meeting a personal hero, taking a long-desired trip, planting a garden, reuniting with family members, publishing a book, or even something small like paying off a utility bill. The organization also looks out for its recipients’ young children. Its Toy Program mails age-appropriate toys to children who are struggling to cope with the loss of a parent.

The charity has earned a four-star overall rating from Charity Navigator, which rates not-for-profit organizations on the strength of their finances, their control of administrative and fundraising expenses, and the transparency of their operations. Four stars is the group’s highest rating.
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