Thursday, January 10, 2013


Try something different in 2013 to attract new members and keep existing ones. Here are a few ideas to help you do more with Rotary in the new year. (click below to read more)

Be part of Rotary's efforts to End Polio Now
Consider planning a fundraiser for polio eradication, taking part in the World's Biggest Commercial, or having your club or district light up a landmark as part of Rotary’s anniversary celebration on 23 February. Rotarians have made great progress in the push to end the disease, but the job isn’t finished yet. As little as US$0.60 can help immunize a child against the incurable disease. Contribute to PolioPlus, and learn more about Rotary's eradication efforts.

Think strategically and set club goals
Rotary Club Central is an online assessment tool that helps clubs set goals and track their accomplishments, such as contributions to The Rotary Foundation. New features have just been added that allow clubs to plan and track service projects from beginning to end, and set public relations goals. Log in through Member Access, and help your club work more efficiently by using the tool to set and measure club goals.

Help the Foundation fulfill its mission
Make a resolution to donate to the Foundation’s Annual Fund in 2013. Skip one latte a week, and you'd have US$100 or more to contribute to your club's Every Rotarian, Every Year effort. You can make a one-time contribution or a recurring gift.

Get up to speed on the new grant model
In July, all districts will begin using the Foundation's new grant model. Get prepared by learning more about the model. See what Rotarians have to say about the model, read a global grant case study, and check out a guide to the new grants in Global Outlook.

Get inspired at the RI Convention
The 2013 RI Convention in Lisbon, Portugal, 23-26 June, is an ideal opportunity to network with Rotarians from all over the world, develop your leadership skills, and connect with others who share your recreational, professional, or humanitarian interests. Lisbon was recently voted as the best quality for the price destination in the world and the friendliest city in Europe by TripAdvisor's annual poll of users. Discover why Lisbon is an explorer's paradise on our convention microsite, and register today.

Publicize your good work
Public Image Grants enable districts to raise Rotary’s profile and promote the global and local work of Rotarians by placing public service announcements on television and radio, in print media and on billboards, and on the Web. Help your district apply for a grant by 4 March. To further promote your club’s signature activities, be sure to update your website with information about your projects and meetings. Also, start a social media page, and follow what Rotary is doing on sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn.

Connect with alumni
Rotary Foundation alumni can be effective speakers at club meetings, and many are potential club members. Reach out to them.

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