Friday, April 05, 2013


Pain relievers can be quite effective—even when all you do is hold them in your hand.

That's the finding of a new study in which 54 mostly female volunteers were asked to keep a hand in near-freezing water as long as possible. Afterward, told they were going to evaluate product designs, some were asked to handle ibuprofen and others, microwavable noodles. This was followed by another freezing-water test.

The result? Forty percent of the ibuprofen handlers found the second immersion less painful than the first, compared with just 10% of the noodle handlers. The findings are consistent with previous studies, but the researchers still can't say for sure why merely handling the ibuprofen was effective. They called for further study of the nonconscious influence that objects in the environment can have on reducing pain.

"Handling Ibuprofen Increases Pain Tolerance and Decreases Perceived Pain Intensity in a Cold Pressor Test," Abraham M. Rutchick and Michael L. Slepian, PLoS ONE

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