Wednesday, May 08, 2013


Two Spanish scientists have developed a formula for accurately estimating how fast someone is moving, based on the person's footprints. The calculation can be used to study the movements of ancient humans from their fossilized tracks. (click below to read more)

The key is stride length, which can be measured from footprints. Previously, an estimate of leg length was required for speed calculations, but working with running university students and track-and-field data, the scientists were able to come up with an equation that works without any leg-length information.

The formula, which yields results within a 10% to 15% margin of error, works for walking as well as running, its creators say.

"Humans Running at Stadiums and Beaches and the Accuracy of Speed Estimations from Fossil Trackways," Javier Ruiz and Angélica Torices, Ichnos: An International Journal for Plan and Animal Traces 

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